Qualifying Caveat: "Although Martin Heidegger's essay on 'The Origin of the Work of Art,' written in 1935-6, is mystified, primitivizing, and suspiciously Indo-Eurocentric, it may be usefully adjusted to provide alternative ways of thinking about how social space has been artifactually shaped, thus further to provide a pattern for the beginnings of traditions of artifact- and place-making... [W]e are not simply 'being-there,' we are being-there in determinate embodied ways, in spaces and times shared with others... [D]angerous as the modern world has been and remains... it still offers positive choices we must learn to make in terms of the values rooted in a revised being-in-the-world."
—David Summers, Real Spaces (NY: Phaidon, 2003) p19.
—David Summers, Real Spaces (NY: Phaidon, 2003) p19.