it is self-evident that there cannot be nothing. But a mere 'tumult of
sensations,' a chaos, which elapses in the pre-empirical procession of
time so irrationally that no apprehension of things could be found and
maintained, a mere maelstrom of sensations, I say, is indeed not
absolute nothingness. It is only nothing that can in itself constitute a
world of things. .... Thus we arrive at
the possibility of a phenomenological maelstrom... All in all, the
world - in its existence and in what it is - is an irrational fact, and
its facticity resides uniquely and exclusively in the strictness of the
motivational nexuses... Experience is the force which guarantees the
existence of the world... in the perceptual nexus every perception is
augmented by every other one, corresponding to all the series of
fulfillments which interweave into a manifold braid, unitarily and
harmoniously... possibilities are not empty possible thoughts but are
possibilities grounded in motivation. ...actual perception in a
harmonious perceptual nexus refers to these or those possible
perceptions that are in accord with the elapsing perceptual nexus...
Every phantasy has the value of a possibility... The appearances
occurring at any time are appearances under motivating circumstances."
— Husserl, Final Considerations, in Thing and Space: Lectures of 1907 (Kluwer, 1973) p249-53.
— Husserl, Final Considerations, in Thing and Space: Lectures of 1907 (Kluwer, 1973) p249-53.